Pursuing Management and Industrialization Innovation
Kumbit Global LimitedKumbit Global LimitedKumbit Global Limited
(Mon - Fri)
Nigeria, West Africa.
Kumbit Global LimitedKumbit Global LimitedKumbit Global Limited

Courtesy Visit of The Commercial Attache of the Republic of Korea

The Commercial Attache Embassy of Korea in Lagos Nigeria, Mr. Pyun Bohyun presents his compliments and would like to use this medium to inform His Excellency, the executive governor of Akwa Ibom State, Mr. Udom Emmanuel of his scheduled courtesy call to the state to foster ongoing relationships between South Korean Companies and Akwa Ibom State Government as there are great potentials and investment opportunities to be explored.

The Commercial Attache will be visiting the Corporate Headquarters of Kumbit Global Limited who is already partnering the government on industrial park project and they are located at No 27 Atiku Abubakar Way, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State and to also meet with the organized private sector in the state to discuss areas of mutual interest and possible collaboration in the industrial development of the state.

The proposed visit is scheduled to take place between 26th September to 29th September 2017


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